Big Itch Study: Terms and Conditions
Information sheet
VidiVet aims to support pet owners, working alongside their primary care veterinary practice to track and identify what care practices, environmental or other behaviours may impact their pets’ allergic skin symptoms, and when to seek clinical advice sooner from their practice.
VidiVet have partnered with your primary care veterinary practice to assess new tracking processes, and see if it will be engaged with, and can help identify triggers or changes that impact a pets’ allergic symptoms, for those pets who are currently prescribed allergic skin medications. You are not obliged to take part, please only agree to take part if you really wish to do so. By not taking part, this will not affect your relationship with your primary care veterinary practice or with VidiVet.
Please read these details carefully and share any feedback or concerns to healthstudy@vidivet.com.
Study Structure
- The pet owner will be invited to register for The Big Itch Study by their own primary care veterinary practice.
- The purpose of the study is to investigate if providing more frequent digital support and touch points can help to minimise the severity of allergic skin disease by identifying problems and risks sooner so that pet owners can be redirected back to their own vet as soon as possible for any treatment changes or further investigations.
- The pet owner will register via a registration form and then complete a Benchmark survey.
- Every week the pet owner will receive an email containing a link to the weekly survey until the end of the Study.
- Once a month the VidiVet vet team will review the insights from the weekly surveys and send an email to the pet owner with a recommendation of what actions to take.
- If the itch score increases at any point, the pet owner may be encouraged to seek veterinary attention at their primary care veterinary practice.
- At the end of the Study the pet owner will be asked to complete an ‘End of Study’ questionnaire.
Why you have been chosen to join the study
Your primary care veterinary practice believes your participation in this study may aid the management of your pet’s existing skin-allergy condition, and in doing so, may also benefit other pets within similar conditions in the future.
Getting started
Your primary care veterinary practice will discuss the Study and its benefits with you, and share a link to the online registration form. When you complete the Study registration form, you will start your journey with the Study and be emailed or text additional surveys to complete as part of the Study.
Completing the weekly survey
Every week you will be emailed or text a link to complete the weekly itch tracking survey. Upon completion, those insights will be shared internally at VidiVet to the vet team for review. Once a month the vet team will assess the insights against, including the original Benchmark survey results and send you a communication via email to help advise the next appropriate course of action.
After the study
You will be asked to complete an ‘End of Study’ questionnaire after you have completed the Study.
Data Protection / Confidentiality
Data collected throughout the study will be shared with your primary care veterinary practice and any parent group to be used for the purpose of assessing the digital assessment processes.
Why have I been asked to take part?
Your primary care veterinary practice believes your participation in this Study may aid the management of your pet’s existing skin-allergy condition, and in doing so, may also benefit other pets within similar conditions in the future.
How long is the Study running for?
The study is running till 30th June 2024
How do I register?
Your primary care veterinary practice will discuss the Study and its benefits with you, and share a link to the online registration form. When you complete the Study registration form, you will start your journey with the Study and be emailed or text additional surveys to complete as part of the Study.
What do I need to do?
You will be asked to complete a Benchmark survey, and then subsequently an itch-tracking survey weekly till the end of the Study. The VidiVet vet team will review your insights and email you once a month with any advice on actions to take.
What if I forget to complete my Benchmark survey?
Please go back to your email and find the Benchmark survey, you must complete that survey to start the Study and be then emailed the weekly surveys.
Why do you need to ask me questions weekly?
Your pet’s symptoms may change frequently and suddenly for many different reasons. By completing the weekly surveys, you are allowing the time to focus on what changes you’re seeing in their behaviour and symptoms and what else that may have contributed to those changes.
What happens if I forget to complete one of the weekly surveys?
That’s ok, if you want to retrospectively fill that one in you can, but it’s also ok if you skip it and move on to the survey for this current week.
Why are you running the Study?
VidiVet wishes to assess new tracking processes, and see if they will be engaged with, and if they can help identify triggers or changes that impact a pets’ allergic symptoms, for those pets who are currently prescribed allergic skin medications.
Do I have to pay?
Not at all – this Study is completely free for you to join.
Do I have to join the VidiVet mobile app and service to take part?
No, you will not be asked to subscribe or join the VidiVet mobile application as part of this Study.
Will the VidiVet vets give me advice about my pet’s health in this Study?
No, that role remains with your primary care veterinary practice. The VidiVet vets will only assess the insights from the benchmark and weekly surveys and in some circumstances recommend when you should seek consultation with your primary care veterinary practice.
What happens if I move vet practice during the study?
You will be asked to complete an ‘End of Study’ survey after you have completed the Study.
Who do I contact if I need help or support?
If you are facing any technical difficulties, please email healthstudy@vidivet.com and detail what the issue is.
If you are seeking advice about your pets health or current condition, please seek the advice of your primary care veterinary practice.
What will happen at the end of the study?
You will be asked to complete an ‘End of Study’ survey after you have completed the Study.
What will happen to the data I have shared during this study?
Any data shared with and collected by VidiVet during this Big Itch Study may be shared with your veterinary practice during and at the end of the study period
What if I change my mind - how do I leave the Study before the end?
If you have decided you no longer wish to participate in the Study, please email healthstudy@vidivet.com to let us know.
Terms & Conditions
When you are registered to VidiVet’s Big Itch Study you will be asked to accept and agree to the following:
Detail |
Meaning |
Study Period | Until 30th June 2024 |
Purpose | To support pet owners with pet’s receiving allergic skin medication away from the clinic |
Information Sheet | The details relating to the Study, listed |
By Accepting to join the Study you are acknowledging you have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions.
- I confirm that I am the owner of the Pet registered for VidiVet’s Big Itch Study.
- I confirm that I have read and understood the Information Sheet for the study. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily by my primary care veterinary practice.
- I understand that, to the extent you process any of my personal information that will be done under the Privacy Policy that can be found on the VidiVet web site at https://www.vidivet.com/privacy.
- I confirm that I wish to take part in the above study with my pet.
I give permission for the VidiVet team to inform my registered veterinary primary care practice that my dog is participating in the study and to provide the outcomes of my survey results to them during the study. - I agree and understand that for as long as I participate in the study I will/must:
- Receive VidiVet’s survey vet assessments at no charge
- Complete associated surveys
- Provide the VidiVet team with feedback on my pet’s condition and response to management
- Notify VidiVet vets and my primary care veterinary practice as soon as possible if I am concerned about my pet’s participation in the study or my pet’s condition deteriorates or dies or is euthanised at any point.
- Provide honest feedback of my pet’s experience and complete any surveys or questionnaires as requested.
- I agree and understand that the study is entirely voluntary and unpaid. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to exclude all liability for any financial or other costs or losses that I may suffer as a result of participation in this study. In the unlikely event my pet suffers any ill effects due to its participation I accept that it is my responsibility to stop the study immediately and seek advice from my primary care veterinary practice or other a pet care professional.
- I understand that I may withdraw from the study at any time without having to give a reason and there will be no penalty for doing so.
- I agree to allow Vidivet Limited to share my personal contact information (my name, my pet’s name and my email address) with my veterinary practice and parent group for the purpose of my veterinary practice seeking testimonials pertaining to the study at the end of the study period. They will publish the Insights from the study and there will be an option for me to be anonymised. Agreeing to provide a testimonial does not mean I am agreeing to receive direct marketing from my veterinary practice.
Our contact information
If you need to contact us, please email healthstudy@vidivet.com
If you need to contact our data protection officer please email: support@vidivet.com.

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